Your time is valuable to your company. You are a professional in what you do, you shouldn't have to worry about small but very important tasks, let us help you with that! By outsourcing these tasks, you avoid the cost and time heavy process of finding, hiring and paying employees. Maybe you don't need someone full time .... that's ok there is a service package right for you, we will customize it.
We can help with preparing your documents, whether preparing safety books, Safe operating procedures, manuals, what every you need prepared provide us with the information and we will prepare for you.
Do you have an event coming up? No worries let us know the who, what, when and where and we will arrange for you.
Are you needing to get your employees onboarded for a specific site, needing D & A tests, client specific training etc. we can help you with that.
We can assist you with any of your administrative needs, reach out for what your business needs are, and we can customize a plan.
Please contact us, we will be happy to talk to you about your business needs.
Wayne 780-722-8333 / Kim 778-267-3497